Friday, May 22, 2009


He's not quite a cassette (what's a cassette I hear you ask) but the nerd and nostalgia hound in me says "I want one".

I wonder if they're going to release Soundwave as a transforming MP3 player to keep up with the times...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

And I thought I hated veggies on my burger

Once again in the land of stupid lawsuits we have the pleasure of reading about some guy who is suing Burger King for $100,000 for putting pickles, onions and tomatoes on his burger. His reason for suing is that the oversight in his order made him suffer an allergic reaction to the food.

Now, I dislike veggies on my burger just as much as the next guy and I've been given my fair share of burgers in the past with every veggie under the sun on it despite having asked for no veggies or any other crap on it but it has never crossed my mind to sue over the oversight. Depending on my mood I usually either just politely tell them that they got my order wrong and hope that they don't spit on my food or else suck it up and eat the damn thing because veggies are good for you. I guess I'm just not cunning enough.

Also, despite the fact I may have asked for said burger without veggies, it has always occurred to me to double check said burger before biting down on it. It's sort of a natural reaction to getting any sort of food I ask for that may be altered from the norm in some way. Now, luckily for me I don't have any food allergies (I'm just not a big fan of veggies). However, if I did have any such allergies I would make damn sure to double check my food before taking a bite (I'm not even going to mention the fact that the guy only noticed after he had swallowed his food!).

Further more, look at that fine picture above of the finer specimen which is a lovely big BK burger. How the hell could you not see a big hulking slice of tomato, pickle or onion hanging out of it? OK, granted that not all BK burgers look that fine and delicious but still, you got 3 frickin things that are slapped onto your burger which should be large enough to have the potential of making themselves known to you. They'd have to be minuscule for them to be hidden under the bun. Either that or you'd have to be blind with hunger not to notice (or just plain thick).

And of course, not to be outdone by BK, Micky D's (aka McDonalds) has also gotten a slice of the stupid suing pie (other than the famous hot coffee lawsuit that is). However, in this instance, it involved some rogue cheese that shouldn't have been on a burger and $10 million dollars!!! Luckily common sense won the day and that lawsuit has since been thrown out.