Friday, April 11, 2008

I h8 fckng txt spk!!!

As I was browsing the cinema listings in to see what was out this week a review in the "your reviews" section caught my eye. It wasn't the fact that the review was profound or anything, it was more the fact that I thought's page was faulty and was spewing out random symbols. Then I realised it was someone reviewing "Step Up 2" writing entirely in text speak. Given the movie in question being reviewed I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised.

In any case, I decided to click on the "more" link to see if I could decipher what the said individual had to say about the movie since I wasn't in the mood to do work and wanted a bit of a puzzle to solve to pass 5 minutes of my time. To my horror I find that the public reviews page is just a mass of text speaking reviews of said film.

It would seem that "kids" (I'm presuming that it's kids here even though I know I'm wrong on this occasion) these days are incapable of writing properly anymore. I wonder is this how they write when asked to write an essay in school/college? If so, does the teacher/lecturer just dismiss this little "phenomenon" or does he or she give them a deservedly big fat zero mark for not knowing how to write properly, never mind coherently. When these "kids" submit their CV for jobs I wonder is the majority of their CV written in text speak as well. Do they have things like "Nme : D8co d" and "Adrz: 4 me gaff"?

If this is a sign of how society is going I despair for society. These are the people who will one day (if not already) be running our country and services and more than likely have children (if not already) themselves. I'm not looking forward to the day when someone finally gets a book written all in text speak published because its now the accepted way to write.

Friday, April 4, 2008

The early bird gets...errr... stuff fast

I've been stuck in Cali time ever since I got back from my little trip to California a couple of weeks back. For some reason my body clock just dosn't want to adjust back to Irish time. So as a result of this I've had a good few nights/days where I've stayed awake for 24 hours in a vain attempt to get my body clock back in synch with Irish time. Also, anytime I've fallen asleep I've fallen asleep super early due to being really tired and then waking up super early again. At this stage I've just come to accept it as the norm.

I finally got my full driver's license on Tuesday. Yay me! I actually got it surprisingly fast. I went down to the motor tax office on Monday afternoon and threw in my application form and had the license in my post box the following morning/afternoon. Now if only everything was always that efficient.

I just subsequently found out that there is a little flaw in my grand plan of being able to rent a car during the weekends once I got my full license. It seems that you are unable to rent a car with any car hire company in Ireland if you had not held your full license for at least 1 year. This in my opinion is stupid. What is stopping me from sitting on my arse for a year then going back to a car hire company to then hire a car. By that time I would be rusty behind the wheels, being more likely to crash the car all because I haven't had the chance to practice my driving due to the fact that I was unable to rent a car and too poor to buy a car. In my opinion they should just introduce higher rates for those that have not held their license for more than a specific time rather than down banning them.

This week I also got myself a brand spanking new laptop. I figured it was time to upgrade my current laptop. The old laptop is about 4 years old now but still has a lot of mileage on it but I figured 4 years is a good turn around time for most things. The new laptop, like my driver's license arrived super quickly. I got it in just under 3 days. I ordered it late on Sunday evening/early monday morning during one of my sleepless nights and i got it delivered to me first thing on Wednesday morning.

Now if only my police certificate would get here sometime soon. Six almost seven weeks on from the time I first asked the gardai for it and I still haven't seen head nor tail of it. The gardai told me that I'd have it by the end of this week. It's now Friday and i haven't checked my mailbox at home yet but I'm willing to bet a large sum of money that the mailbox will be empty (except maybe for bills) when I get back later on this evening. Stupid gardai.