Thursday, November 8, 2007

No news is good news

OK, I got nothing. I felt like posting something but alas my day to day life is not anywhere near interesting enough to generate stimulating conversation or news on a regular basis. So instead I think I'll share some news articles that I've read on the interweb during my "downtime" while waiting for my programs to compile.

First off, Christmas has come early. It looks like that Smithfield on Ice has been cancelled this year. For those who don't know what this momentous event is, basically for the last 5 odd years Dublin city council erects one of the most miserable ice rink possible outside the Smithfield market area for the month leading up to Christmas. While it's a nice idea and could potentially be a very nice day out for the kids/family/girlfriend/boyfriend/miscellaneous etc. it invariably is just extremely overcrowded, always full of little scumbags and the ice rink always ends up being mainly sludge due to the hot lights shining down on them. All in all making for a very miserable experience. I'm sure this news will come as a welcome relief to the poor residence of Smithfield market area who have to endure the noise generated by the very loud ice rink speakers and the crowds just outside their living room windows every year. I now believe that Dun Laoghaire will have the pleasure of hosting it due to the change of management.

Does anyone remember that totally blown out of proportion kiss that Richard Gere gave Shilpa Shetty a few months back? You know, the one where people were calling for his head because of... gasp... immoral public displays of affection! I'd hate to think what would have happened if they had started going at it like rabbits in public. Anyway, I digress. Why I bring this topic up is because of this little news item I recently came across. It would now seem that you can't even give an innocent goodbye hug to your friends in public anymore. I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised to see the authority figures in question burning effigies of the poor little girl in protest of their disgust. If this kind of crap keeps up soon people will be making it a habit to quickly glance over their shoulders for the immorality secret police before even considering the simple act of shaking hands with anyone. I seriously think that the people who are disgusted by public hugging just need a good hug themselves.

Talking about indecency, now, this is taking the piss. It brings a whole new meaning to using a "wii-mote" :P I wonder how you complete a race and if there is a multiplayer option. Would you be able to take advantage of the slip stream of larger vehicles ahead of you I wonder. OK, enough urine puns. As you may have guessed this is a slow day for me.

While we're on the subject of excrement of sorts, let me introduce you to this little article on "Butthash". Apparently getting high on fermented fecal matter and urine is the new craze these days for kids. First of all, how did someone discover that this was possible. Did some kid decide to bottle up his fart one day, forgot about it only to go back to a seemingly empty jar a year later, opened it and got a little buzz out of the expelled methane? Thus began the brainwave and the craze that is Butthash. This reminds me of a guy i knew in secondary school who tried to get high on the fumes from Tipp-ex one day. All he succeeded in doing was giving himself a white tipped nose for most of that day.

And to end my little non-news on a lighter note (very American news broadcasting of me I know) I leave you with this little gem...

I generally don't go much for fan made movies of video game character cross overs but the one linked above is one of the coolest video game cross over vids I've seen in a long time. It's basically a big fight between a few of the female characters from the final fantasy franchise and the dead or alive franchise. Very well done. Some people just have way too much time on their hands.

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