Friday, October 22, 2010

First Post Of The Year!

OK, so I might be a little late for first post of the year but still, better late than never.

In truth, I was actually going to give up on this blog since it looked like I never had much time to update it in the past barring the odd post now and again. And even when I did have time to update it, I never really had anything interesting to share so my posts just ended up being random stuff I found on the interweb as space filler.

Still, I think I'll have another crack at this blogging thing. It might be good to have an outlet of sorts to allow me to stretch my literary muscles from time to time.

So, what have I been up to since the last time you heard from me? In short, work has kept me stupidly busy for the most part of the year (partially the reason why this blog went on hiatus for so long). But on the odd occasion where I managed to escape work the following things happened to me:
  • I tried out the great Canadian tradition of Curling (which turned out to be a lot harder and much more fun than I thought it would be). 
  • I ran away from Vancouver for a brief period to escape the madness of the Winter Olympic Games here.
  • Went to Italy for a wedding where I came across a very funky looking bug...
  • ... and subsequently got all my shit stolen as I was about to leave Italy for Switzerland! And when I say everything, I mean everything! Much fun and games shortly ensued (see the next post bit for one of the fun and game things that happened to me after my shit was stolen). And when I say fun and games I mean lots of running around to police stations and trying to find embassies and filling out legal documents.
  • Was temporarily, unexpectedly stranded in Amsterdam (if you're going to be stranded somewhere you could do a lot worse than Amsterdam) after being refused to fly back to Canada because the emergency passport I was issued  by the Irish Embassy in Switzerland to replace the one that got stolen on me was insufficient to allow me to fly.
  • Eventually made it back to Canada much later, lighter and poorer than originally planned.
  • Didn't officially exist for a few months after having to send all and any documents that say I exist off to the Irish embassy in Canada in order to get a new replacement passport.
  • In the meanwhile I attended my first Roller Derby. Was a bit boring until I finally figured out the rules and understood how each team scored. Without understanding the rules it was just literally watching a bunch of girls roller skating around in a circle.
  • Finally got my new passport and all my other documents that say I exist back. I now officially exist again... yay!
  • Decided to quit my job. Officially did my last day last week... double yay!
  • Got a new (and hopefully much better) job State side in Los Angeles. Starting next week... triple yay!
...And that leads us to now. Currently just sitting around slowly packing up all my worldly possessions and cleaning the apartment getting ready to leave Canada for the States.

One of these days it would nice if I didn't have to move countries every time I moved jobs. One can always dream...

1 comment:

Ronan said...

WhooHoo! Blog update...