Friday, December 14, 2007

Christmas Parties

So it's been a while since I updated this blog. I haven't forgotten about it. It's just that I've been a little busy lately and plus I haven't really had anything really interesting to share.

I've been doing a lot of dancing at Christmas parties over the last few weeks. This means my time has been taken up by work during the day and then practice after work in the evenings for these Christmas party gigs. At first I thought it would be fun to be paid to dance but boy was I ever wrong! I don't mind the performing for the crowd bit. It's more the bit afterwards when the organisers want us to hang around for the next hour interacting and dancing with the "punters". I personally hate to be bugged after dinner by some fake cheerful git coming up to me trying to drag me up to dance with him/her while all I really want is to sit there in peace and chat with my friends. But yet, I am the fake cheerful git this time around doing that very thing to people that I know I would hate to be done to myself. Not only that, it feels like your gate crashing someone else's party most of the time as everyone on the dance floor has their own little group who they dance with and then you jump in.

The type of crowd at these things really do make all the difference. Some nights the crowd are great and really get into it but other nights they are just disinterested and it's just horrible. The gig I did last night was possibly the worse night yet. Not only was there possibly more "lads" than girls (this makes a huge difference as girls are more likely to be enticed to dance and guys are more likely to get up and dance once they see the girls dancing) but in general the crowd was a purely "lets get rat arsed" crowd. This meant that there was hardly anyone to bug to drag up to fill the dance floor as the majority of them were all hanging out at the bar or outside smoking. Those that did stick around at their table just wanted to be left alone to their drinking and chatting with their mates so were irritated when you tried to get them to dance. In fact, at one stage, I believe I was told to "fuck off" by some girl in a lovely thick Dublin accent and some guy thought I was asking him to dance with me so also came close to telling me to "fuck off".

Quick word of advice to anyone who is organising their Christmas party; If your place of work is predominantly guys or "the lads" do not book them into a Greased themed Christmas party. Save yourself some money and just drag them all down to the local instead. They won't notice the difference.

To top off my current Christmas misery, I pulled my right pectoral muscle a couple of weeks back and with all these Christmas gigs I haven't given it any time to heal. So as a result it's still really really sore. I can't wait till this silly season is over and things are back to normal again.

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