Friday, February 1, 2008

Back with a bang... of sorts

After over a month of silence I've decided to give this whole blog thing another try. You know, with the new year and new resolutions and all that other jazz. It's not that I've had nothing to share or say, it's just that I got lazy.

So, in another attempt to get my literary juices flowing again, may I be so bold as to suggest the topic of the humble "rail gun". Why do I bring this up I hear you mumble? Well, other than getting the chance to play with one in Quake, it now also seems that the US navy get to play with one in real life as well. It's not as, erhem, "portable" as the one in Quake it would seem but I'm sure the US navy boys/girls are going to have just as much fun with it. The lucky gits.

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