Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fish and Chips

We have a canteen in work that usually does a fairly decent job at serving up some really good food during lunch. Today there was "fish and chips" on the menu. Now, bare in mind, I've never had the pleasure of having fish and chips in the States. In fact, I don't recall ever seeing it on any menu anywhere here, ever. So, half because I haven't had fish and chips in a while and half because I've never had the pleasure of trying "American style" fish and chips (which up till today I had always imagined would involve big fish and extra chunky chips) I was really looking forward to lunch.

Off I went to the canteen all bubbly, recanting to my work colleagues far fetched tales of big greasy bags of fish and chips got at the local "chipper" (note to my readers who are unfamiliar with my use of the colloquial term of "chipper", when I say "chipper" I refer to this or this and not this) in days of yore. Upon my arrival, I was presented with this:

Yes, technically speaking, that is a plate of fish and "chips". It's just the wrong type of "chips"!.  I was expecting these kind of chips and not "potato chips". 

I can only assume that when someone mentioned to the kitchen sttaff that it would be a great idea to throw fish and "chips" onto the lunch menu they should have clarified that they meant the non American term for "fries" and not "potato chips". Hells, a simple google image search would have even clarified that one right up.

Ah ,you wacky Americans and your literal interpretations of the American English language. You always find new ways to make me smile.


Unknown said...

Anonymous said...

Thai lols??

Hanging Hat said...

LOL = Laughing Out Loud. A popular abbreviation used on the interweb and text speek by the "savvy young folk" of today.

Other such abbreviations you might come across on your travels in internet land:
LMAO = Laughing My Ass Off
ROFL = Rolling On the Floor Laughing
FTW = For The Win
BWL = Backflipping While Laughing

... OK, I made that last one up. But there is a BWL abbreviation that stands for "Bursting With Laughter" which I rarely see used.

Now aren't you glad you popped by to read my blog and leave a comment? :D

Unknown said...

Fish and Crisps!