Friday, November 16, 2007

The good, the bad and the ugly

First the good; I came across this interesting little article today about an Australian team of physicists who have managed to measure the phase of a pulse of light so precisely that the only error in the measurement is that of what is dictated by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Now the internal science nerd in me tells me that is one of the coolest thing I've read in a long time. Of course, I haven't had the pleasure of reading a lot of scientific articles in a long time (not since I stopped buying American Scientist anyways) so I may be more easily impressed by stuff like this than I used to be.

Now the bad; If you recall a couple of weeks ago I was rejoicing over the fact that the Smithfield on ice... erhem... 'extravaganza' was unduly cancelled this year. Well it looks like my celebrations were a little premature. It seems that Dublin City Council have managed to sweet talk some gullible corporate souls into keeping this 'fine event' alive this year. You can read their press release here. As the Russians would say... "Toughski Shitski" to the Smithfield residents who's apartments and houses face out towards the ice-rink. Looks like you'se just have to put up with a month of excessive shit pop music blairing from very loud speakers and the increased scumbag presence in your area (not to say there isn't already enough of them when the ice-rink isn't there) again this year.

And lastly, the ugly; Well, not so much ugly but more towards the "What The Fuck??" region. Lately I've found myself reading articles from "The Register" more and more. Maybe its because its sort of light reading and the brain doesn't have to do too much work. In any case, I came across this little article that made go WTF??? This guy brings a whole new meaning to "riding your bike". Not my cup of tea but still, everyone to themselves I suppose.

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