Monday, November 19, 2007

Wonderful wet weekend

It has been the most miserable rain sodden weekend I can remember in a long long time. Luckily for me I spent most of the weekend indoors at a Boogie Woogie and Balboa workshop so I was kept occupied for the most part.

The only good thing I can say about the cold and rain is that it kept most if not all the scumbags and drunk people indoors as well. I normally hate walking home through Dublin city centre late at night during Fridays and the weekends specifically for the aformentioned reason. As if to remind me of this, today I came across this video (see below) taken from a taxi going through Harcourt street at around 5am in the morning after all the night clubs had finished up and things have more or less really wound down.

Now, imagine it being ten times as bad and you can see why I hate walking through the city centre in the evenings. I cannot tell you how many times I've had some drunk idiot jump in front of me acting the spa as I've walked down the road minding my own business. The odd time, if the guy (and it always seems to be guys for some reason) is significantly bigger than me he will just stand there in front of me blocking my path thinking that it was really funny because he had probably just itimidated some poor little asian looking guy who probably can't speak the language and is scared and confused at this big crazy Oirish guy. Normally, I would just stop in my path and start to stare the guy down until he got bored and got out of my way or I would give him a hug (only cause he has begun to do the same). It has only ever happened the one time where this breed of drunken idiot has caught me in a really foul mood whereby I have uncharacteristically sped up towards said idiot pushing him backwards with fist clenched ready to start a fight. Fortunately at the time, the drunken idiot in question wasn't quite that drunk yet and realised that the little asian looking guy he was about to piss off or itimidate was already in a really bad mood and decided very quickly to grin, hug me and get out of the way before a fight started.

This is why, despite the cold and rain, this weekend, it was actually a very pleasant walk back home in the evenings as the streets were almost deserted. A sad but small price to pay for a peaceful walk home in the evenings.

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