Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away,...

Having grown up in Ireland and spent the last couple of years living in Vancouver, expecting rain during winter is pretty much the norm to me. Last week it started raining here after the whole month of November being dry, and sunny with temperatures averaging about 25 degree Celsius (approx. 77 degree Fahrenheit) every day.

So, when the rain starting coming down last week it was a welcome relief to me to finally get some sort of moisture in the air. In fact, its pretty much been raining non-stop for the last 5 days now. Well, to be honest, its been more a constant light drizzle rain with the odd spell of mild to heavy showers thrown in now and again.

To say that LA and its local inhabitants are unprepared for any sustained period of rain is a huge understatement. The drainage on the roads here are terrible and the general infrastructure here was just not built to take any sustained amount of rainfall. On top of that, the local LA drivers here have no idea of how to drive in the rain. Most people think its still perfectly OK to fly down the freeway at 100 miles per hour when its pissing rain and the roads are not draining the water properly.

As a result of a combination of all of the above, in the last few days the local news here has had a field day with stories of possible or impending flash floods in various areas and stories of big car accidents on freeways because of one car or other spinning off. There have been evacuations of neighbourhoods near hillsides because of possible mudslides and the local TV channels have periodically been flashing big scary red flash flood warning signs with matching scary siren noise in the middle of programs. The local news have dedicated about 80 percent if not more of its nightly news segment on freaking out about the non-stop rain and the chaos it's causing. The way the local news is going on about the rain, one would think the end of the world or another hurricane Katrina type situation was about to happen in LA.

Apparently according to the news, tonight we're meant to have a huge storm (I'm guessing that might equate about a really big down pour in LA standards) and then we should be back to sunny skies again on Thursday. 

To put things a little bit in perspective. Last year when I was living in Vancouver, around this time of year, it rained for almost 2 months without any let up. No one batted an eyelid and the only grumbling came from me and my wet socks.

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