Thursday, October 11, 2007

The beginnings of a beginning?

OK, so I've been putting this off for years now and I've held out for as long as I possibly could but finally I've crumpled to peer pressure and succumbed to setting up a blog... yay me!

I can't guarantee that I'm not going to eventually forget about this little corner of the interweb and leave it collecting virtual cobwebs. However, I've finally gotten off my arse and started "blogging" so that's just as good a start as any and if i do end up neglecting it after a while at least I can say that I tried... and who's to say, despite my reluctance this might actually end up being something fun (and a somewhat productive exercise in social writing).

For a while there it was a toss up between actually doing a written blog or photo blog. I figured that a photo blog might actually force me to start using my overly expensive digital camera more but I eventually concluded that with a photo blog all you'd probably see is the front of my TV for the most part (or lots of shots of my crotch when I'm really bored). So, to save everyone's eyes from possibly being corrupted we're going to try your normal written blog for now.

To start the ball rolling... anyone interested in being invigorated by a "black bastard"? And I always thought the Japanese were the funny ones when it came to drinks branding (case in point).

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