Friday, October 12, 2007

London Baby!

I'm hopping over the pond to London this weekend to do a spot of, errr... , Lindy Hopping at the London Lindy Hop Festival :D Those who know me will know that I like to dance from time to time and there is nothing like a bit of swing dancing to get that booty shaking. I'm really looking forward to be dancing with (and being humbled by) all the incredible swing dancers from around the globe that are going to be at the LLH festival this weekend. Why is it that dancers from abroad always seem to be 10 gazillion times better dancers than you are? Must be something in the water.

Also, it's been years since I last stepped foot in London (if you ignore the stop overs at various London based airports while flying elsewhere that is), so I've decided to take an extra day off work to go reacquaint myself with the city of London again while I'm over there. Haven't decided yet whether to try my luck at the London Eye or go sneer at the crack in the ground that passes for "art" in the Tate modern. I only have one free day to explore so I'd better choose wisely.

On a sorta related noted... I hear that they have new proposals for the U2 tower down at the docklands. Its now going to be higher still; 180m higher! That's taller than the spire (about 60m or 197ft taller to be pedantic about it). It's no longer going to be of a twisty glass design, which I thought was quite cool looking. Instead its going to be a tilted triangular tower design, a design by Foster & Partners, the guys that came up with the "Gherkin" building in London (see, I told ya it was sorta related news). Here's the article about it for all those interested. And Ronan, if your reading this, knowing your strange fascination with all things sky scrapery (i just made up a new word :D), you can stop salivating now.

In one way I think its sorta nice that Dublin is going to finally have a nice fancy high building but in another way, considering that I currently live right beside the proposed tower site I'm also sorta a little hesitant over the new bigger, higher, fancier design. I can essentially say goodbye to what little sunlight I have once that tower/sky scraper gets built. Still, considering that the tower isn't due for completion until circa 2011 and I don't plan to be living where I currently am come 2011 I guess I have nothing to worry about. Instead I'll just content myself with having to put up with constant construction work right outside my bedroom window for the next 3 to 4 odd years :(

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