Saturday, October 20, 2007

Jet setting again

I'm off jet setting again on Monday... woohoo! Once again its for another dance festival. However this time its for an Argentine tango festival in Palermo for the Sicilia Tango Festival and it's for 2 whole weeks. I like dancing Argentine tango (as well as a lot of other dances) but recently I've gotten a little disillusioned with the tango scene in Dublin and I'm hoping that this tango trip will re-ignite the "tango fever" in me again. If I hadn't agreed with my roommate that I'd be her partner for this tango festival months ago (although at the time it was only for 1 week) there would be no way I'd be going away to tango for 2 whole straight weeks with my current frame of mind for the dance. I'm going to treat this as a 2 week holiday with tangoing rather than a 2 week tango holiday. Luckily I have a few days off where there is no tango where I can veg out or do touristy stuff. Why is it that almost all my trips away this year have involved going to dance festivals or dance related events? I gots to find myself another excuse to take trips away.

In other news, and this one is for Harry Potter fans out there, apparently Dumbledore is gay. I guess the signs were always there. Those beedy eyes, that long white beard, how he always preferred to wear long robes and his unsubtle interest in Harry :P Just think about it, Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings movie had the same dress sense and he's gay.

I guess J. K. Rowling had to have one gay character to keep the PC brigade happy. Actually, come to think about it, I can't recall there ever being any black characters in any of the Harry Potter books (of course I could be wrong about this). Maybe I should alert Ms. Rowling to this little fact before the PC brigade does.

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